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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Animal house

I wasn't going to to take part in any exhibitions this year because I'm working on my book. The problem I'm finding now is that if you sit on your arse drawing a massive comic every day for months on end, you eventually run out of money, starve to death and go mental with cabin fever.
so...I'm just doing the finishing touches to a load of animals painted on wood I've dragged out the sea. I should have about fifteen of them. I'll be putting them in an exhibition in October down in Ipswich. Here's the link to their website with the exhibition details on it, just get in contact with them if you want to go to the preview or know more about what their up to. Animal house
These two are the only ones safe enough to scan without smothering my scanner in yacht varnish. These ones are tiny, only a few inches high.

click to enlarge